Tag: CSS

Font Awesome PRO: v6.5.2

This is the new version of the icon font and CSS toolkit. Font Awesome PRO offer...


Production-ready landing page for SaaS platforms & Tech Startups. This is a mult...

[$] Reshaped: Design system v2.9

The design system you plan to build. Professionally crafted design system in Rea...

[VIP] TUK: Biggest UI kit for Tailwind CSS components

This is a one-of-a-kind collection of 600+ ready-to-drop-in components, and 30 t...

[$] Flowbite PRO: The ULTIMATE Figma UI Kit v2.7.0

Figma design system built for integration with Tailwind CSS. Design UI interface...

[VIP] Designcode: UI Design Smart Home App in Figma

Design a Smart Home app from scratch using various tricks and techniques in Figm...

[VIP] Square Dashboard HTML

Fully-coded Ultimate Dashboard Kit with over 40 Responsive Screens. With a total...

[VIP] Advanced Prototyping and Interaction Design in Fi...

Do you want to master prototyping and interaction design in Figma but don't know...

[VIP] DesignCode: Build Beautiful Apps with GPT-4 and M...

Design and develop apps using GPT-4 and Midjourney with prompts for SwiftUI, Rea...

Frontend Masters: CSS Foundations

Do you struggle to apply styles to your websites? Are you anxious when asked to ...