Tag: Websites

Design as the continuous copying of nothing

In it, we have collected materials that we are very eager to show you, despite t...

Mainframe: Futuristic Illustrations

Step into the future with Mainframe Futuristic Illustrations. Give your next pro...

Yorfy NFT Portfolio Website UI Kit

This is an all in one solution UI Kit for your personal NFT portfolio. Everythin...

From Zero to UI/UX Hero

How to design websites and apps that people will actually love and make them (an...


148 Original vector illustration components presented by the team.

Awesome ChatGPT Prompts

This is a collection of prompt examples to be used with the ChatGPT model.

[$] Flowbite PRO: The ULTIMATE Figma UI Kit v2.7.0

Figma design system built for integration with Tailwind CSS. Design UI interface...

Design & UI Resources For Developers

Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS fr...

250 Tips from incompetent people

9 problems when working with neural networks like ChatGPT, Example of creating a...

[$] LookScout: Design System v1.5

It's time to supercharge your Design Workflow. Design Agencies and Creatives - u...