Tag: books

Kate McInnes: Rockstar Icon Designer

In this book Kate shares with you her experience and expertise by covering every...

[VIP] Baymard Institute: Cart & Checkout Usability Rese...

69% of all e-commerce visitors abandon their shopping cart. Why? At Baymard we’v...

[VIP] Baymard Institute: Accounts & Self-Service UX: An...

Accounts & Self-Service is a unique aspect of the e-commerce user experience. Un...

[VIP] Fullstack React with TypeScript: Learn Pro Patter...

The book is a practical, guide that will have you (and your team) writing React ...

System Design Interview: An insider's guide Volume 1 An...

It contains set of 2 Books namely: 1 System Design Interview - An insider's guid...

[VIP] Kickstart Your UI Design Career

Go from Zero to getting your first clients as a UI designer. The secrets of desi...

Designing SVG Web Graphics

Using a heavily illustrated, step-by-step style, Watt aims to ease designers int...

[VIP] UX.MARS: Re-learn UI Design eBook

What is "Re-learn UI Design" ebook? It's a learning tool for making you a Master...

Adobe Illustrator: A Complete Course and Compendium of ...

A Complete Course and Compendium of Features is your guide to building vector gr...

Pixeden: 12 Stationery Branding Mockup Set

Pack with some of the latest premium branding mockups from Pixeden.