Tag: React

[VIP] Udemy: 400TB Collection

A Really Huge Collection Of Most Premium & Paid 900+ UDEMY (400+ TeraBytes of st...

[VIP] UI Dev: React with Typescript

Everything you need to be productive in a React application that uses TypeScript.

[VIP] NewLine: Build a Complete Company Design System

This course is a comprehensive guide to publishing your first component library ...

[VIP] NewLine: Composing Layouts in React

In this course we show you how to build complex layouts in React by composing ju...

[VIP] Newline: Full Stack Comments with Hasura and React

We'll use the commenting feature to teach technology concepts like Hasura with a...

[VIP] UI Templates [All-Access]

When you purchase an all-access license, you get access to everything. Every com...

[VIP] Vuexy: Admin Dashboard Figma UI Kit & Builder (v9...

Modern & highly customizable Dashboard UI kit based on Atomic Design System. Th...

[VIP] EasyDev: React Redux BS5 Admin & Dashboard Templa...

EasyDev is a modern dashboard template based on React Components and Bootstrap 5...

[VIP] UI Dev: React Router

We’ll get you off to the races building complex apps with React Router.

[VIP] UI Dev: Classic React

The best course in the world to take you from zero to enterprise grade React.