Design principles for Web 3.0

So everyone and their cat seems to be talking about blockchain. More importantly, it’s on the radar of huge companies, and we know that where there’s money, there’s traction. However, as a designer what I really wanted to know was what this meant for user experience and design in web3.

Feb 1, 2022 - 19:25
Apr 19, 2023 - 10:16
 0  279
Design principles for Web 3.0

The internet evolved — web 1.0, web 2.0, web 3.0

So what does this mean for design?

1. Enable blockchain literacy

Dydx’s Homepage, ft. difficult lingo like “Perpetual Contracts”, “Deep liquidity”, “Buying Power’.

Dydx’s About page, which is weirdly more easier to understand than their home page…

Diem’s homepage (who also has *chefs kiss* content copy)

Sushi Swap offers an expert Mode

Establishing trust through transparency

Examples of different transactions being broken down

“(~$43.85)” displayed as the fiat currency value (probably USD, but not sure). Souce: 1inch

Example of gas fee ranges with time and fee implications. Another improvement includes showing the fiat currency. Source: Trust Wallet Community

No take backsies

Source: MEW Wallet

Source: Metamask

Afterthoughts, and the future

Extra resources:

Deep Work Studio

Deep Work Studio - Create high-end design in as little as 7 days.


Rainbow is a fun, simple, and secure Ethereum wallet that makes managing your assets a joy.

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